Welcome to QLC!

Site Currently Undergoing Major Reconstruction! I'm sure you've all heard of the epic mid-life crisis, right? You know, it's when forty year old men think their life is coming to an end, so they run out and buy motorcycles to race around in. Yeah, well I just had a quarter-life crisis. In 2008 I realized that I didn't want to grow up to be like my dad. So I dropped out of college with the intent to run about the world causing nothing but mayhem. Except I realized that quitting school wasn't such a good idea. So, I'm headed back college all over again on the long road law school!


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So, this weekend has been spent making major updates to QLC!  I have made a Nav Bar with separate blog and schedule sites.  It took me a while, but I finally got it down.  Yeah me! More nav sites to be coming soon as well, so that's always exciting.  As you can see I have also updated the overall layout thanks to some handy dandy editing.  AND..... I have updated twitter feeds to all sites!  I don't really "tweet" all that much, but it should be interesting!  Although the site isn't exactly where I want it to be yet, I am happy to see that there is some sort of direction now!  Lets see.... what else.... Oh yeah! I am going to put up a music page.  I ran a music review blog a little while ago, but it was nothing really like this.  It was actually kinda hokey...lol.  But, I think a music section would be a fine addition to QLC.

Um, so, basically this site is going to be geared towards my education and persuit of a college degree (hopefuly leading into law school).  In conjunction with that there will also be a section dedicated to papers and academic work I have done (or will complete), and class related stuff  I also plan to have a goals section up.  As you can see in my blog I have written quite a lot about goals.  Goal setting means a lot to me, and it is a very awesome tool to harness.  

I'm really new to this blogging type of thing, so bare with me!  I hope I can get at least a couple of commenting readers out in the near future, cause that would be really really awesome

Anyways, I hope you all enjoy!
If not... then... Oh, well...